Sunday, October 11, 2020

How To Increase Brain Health - Mind Health Tips

You can learn how to increase brain health with these mind health tips.  While it is important to keep a healthy body, keeping a healthy mind is equally if not more important.   

1.  Eat foods that improve brain health

Foods That Improve Brain Health

Dark Chocolate



Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Darky Leafy Greens


Green Tea 


2. Exercise Regularly

Exercising regularly can improve brain health performance in many ways.  It increases muscle memory, reduces the risk of depression, increases heart health which pumps blood and oxygen to the brain, and can boost creativity.  Weight Lifting can boost long-term memory.  Exercise also helps your brain perform faster and more efficiently. 

3. Play games

There are free brain exercises online that can help keep your brain sharp.  I play brain yoga every day to keep my mind sharp.  Brain Yoga is a brain training game with eleven puzzle games that train your memory, spatial ability, numeracy, vocabulary, and pattern matching skills.  You can get it for free at the google play store.  It has over 5,000 5 star reviews.

You can find more free brain exercises online by doing a simple search on google.

Video Games can also have some positive effects on the brain.  When doing challenge and achievement sequences such as completing a level, your brain releases dopamine which helps with motivation and pleasure.  When you experience victory in a video game your adrenal glands release testosterone which affects energy, self-esteem, and mood.

4. Learn new things

Learning new things like how to play a musical instrument or a new language can greatly increase brain health.

Knowing several different languages can make your mind quicker and more resistant to Alzheimer's along with other forms of dementia.

5.  Listen to creativity music

Youtube has a bunch of music and binaural beats to help your brain.

This is one of my favorites and seems to help me a lot so it might help you too:

6. Read

It is a well-known fact that reading exercises your brain.  It doesn't matter what you read, just as long as you are reading something.  

7.  Get enough sleep

Make sure you are getting seven to nine hours of sleep each night.  Staying healthy and learning to relax are two key factors in getting a good night's sleep.  Exercising during the day, but not too close to bedtime.  Give yourself an hour or two to unwind.  

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